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Taoyuan Reform School, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice(Chengjheng High School Taoyuan Branch):Back to homepage


Comprehensive health care

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2021-08-23
  • View count:1321

1. We currently have one pharmacist, two nurses, one physician in neurology, dermatology and dentistry, and two physicians in family medicine to be in charge of students's health examinations, medical care and school health matters.
2. When entering the school, students receive health examination on blood identification, urine screening, chest X-ray, and AIDS blood screening. Each month, there is urine screening from time to time. Each quarter, all students receive health examination.
3. We have contract with hospitals in Jinguo and Minsheng areas and Taoyuan Veterans Hospital to take care of students under critical diseases. Students having mental or neurological problems may be sent to Taoyuan Mental Hospital.
4. We keep close contact with Department of Health, Taoyuan County Government. All students have an inoculation of free major influenzas. Chest X-ray examination and AIDS virus blood screening are conducted each year with Department of Health, Taoyuan County Government to enhance prevention of infectious diseases.
5.We have weekly health education courses and invite professional medical personnel from time to time to explain prevention of venereal diseases and drugs to help students have accurate health ideas.
6. We have sterilization at least once a month to prevent pests and terminate source of infectious diseases.

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