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Taoyuan Reform School, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice(Chengjheng High School Taoyuan Branch):Back to homepage


Information circulation service

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2019-01-26
  • View count:2427


 Information circulation service (rich service information, promotion of communication over the Internet)

A. Providing information and enquiry service

(i) appropriateness of information disclosure

1.     We had 6 cases on major bidding from the school in e-bulletin between January and June.

2.    We announced 26 weekly menus over the e-bulletin between January and June to help the public understand dining of students.

3.    The Health Division posted outpatient services between January and June.  Number of monthly patient times, people receiving physical examination, people under AIDS screening and people under urine screening on statistics area; six times of results and photographs are posted on the e-bulletin.

4.    We originally had 8 administration rules and latter added 3 (Notice on Protection Duty, Notice on Student Employment Counseling and Notice on Management of Infectious Diseases and AIDS Virus Infection), which are posted on our website.

5.    We announced 2010 Service Quality Enhancement Program, Major Policies from Executive Yuan, and Major Policies from Ministry of Justice on Major Policies on the website and added Education of Tea Zen, Education of Ecology Farms and Handmade Soap Education on Adolescent Learning Unit on 10 February.  Budget Settlement Announcement of Taoyuan Reform School was posted on Public Information on our website on 10 March.

6.   The e-job website provides employment opportunities.  Each month, we select and update appropriate employment opportunities on our employment service webpage.

(二)     Effectiveness of information contents

1.     Under 2010 technical training program, we held long-term technical training courses on 8 February: 24 students in motorcycle repair, 21 students in automobile repair, 20 students in food baking, and 32 students in interior wire layout in total of 97 students.   We also had short-term classes on 18 January of painting mounting (15 students) and computer study on 1 April (15 students) for a total of 127 students, or 36.3% of total students.

2.    The e-job website provides employment opportunities.  Each month, we select and update appropriate employment opportunities on our employment service webpage.

3.    To enhance our efficiency, we integrated calendars from offices and divisions and supplementary schools into school calendar to be posted on our website as reference of holding activities.

(三)     Information check completeness and rapidness

1.    Our website has links to correction institution reception booking system, URL, traditional workmanship website, shopping mall of goods from correction institutions, and service application system of Ministry of Justice.

B. Online service and e-participation

(一)   online service expansion

1.   Our website has links to government entry point, government information disclosure act, Executive Yuan Gazette Net, and URL of Ministry of Justice to have higher accessibility and convenience.

2.   Application forms for reissuance of schooling record, application forms for acceptance and voluntary worker counseling record and certificate application forms are available at download area.

 (iii) e-participation diversity

1.     We have 6 e-mail addresses; people can give their opinions to e-mail addresses of the Director or Secretariat Office.  We will take care right away and respond.

2.    We held information security symposiums on 10 March and 11 June to enhance our information security and better ability of information service of staff.  All faculty members attended.

3.    In coordination with E-processing Information Center, DGBAS, Executive Yuan and 2010 outsourced computer education training by Ministry of Justice, we encouraged school staff to take information study to enhance overall information operation ability.

4.    From 2010, we signed computer maintenance contract with Augang Information Management Consulting Co., Ltd. to enhance our computer maintenance and ensure smooth operation of information equipment and nonstop of information service.


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