Handmade Soap Training Program for Students at Dun Pin High School
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- Last updated:2021-08-07
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Handmade Soap Training Program for Students at Taoyuan Reform School
I. Goals
Most of students are from malfunctioned families or have frustration in sch
ool life. To awake their interest in learning, we have different kinds of tal
ent classes in addition to normal courses in the hope to develop their pote
ntial and interest so they can perform, have greater self-confidence, sense
of achievement and honor. When they have good performance, we invite
their parents to visit at school to share with students and enhance interacti
on between students and parents. This will inspire students’ learning mo
tives and achievements and help them be self-confident in the future. As s
kills are better than wealth, this program aims at enabling students to mak
e soaps individually for a bright future.
II. Held by Taoyuan Reform School
III. Sponsored by Taipei District Court
IV. Time and place
1. Time We had four classes on handmade soap and four classes on packaging design from 1 April to 31 December 2010. Classes are from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Each session is 3 months of 96 classes. There are total 3 sessions in 288 classes.
2. Location: classrooms at Taoyuan Reform School
V. Target: all students at Taoyuan Reform School in turn—each class has around
40 students.
VI. Implantation
Handmade soap
1. Goals: to inspire students’ interest, offer training on practical skills, and help
them to behave and adapt normal life in society
II. Teaching methods
(1) Academic subjects: instruction at classes and group discussions
(2) Skill subjects
Cold soap making: mold making, oil, essence oil ingredients, medical herb,
flower extract essence, natural pigment refining, molding, removing from
mold, film packing in preparation, handouts, operation and commenting
Hot soap making: mold making, essence oil ingredients, medical herb, f
lower extract essence, natural pigment refining, molding, removing from
mold, film packing in preparation, handouts, operation and commenting
3. Art production: soap shape creation, art packing, instruction and marketing
4. Course units: jsoap formula introduction, kessence oil mixture skills,
lpigment mixture skills, minto mold, ⑤removal from mold, ⑥packing
skills, pinstruction and marketing
VIII. Expected effects
Students learnt to integrate resources, had new knowledge, trained skills,
promoted self-growth, developed teamwork spirit and established good
interpersonal skills.
Students used materials and equipment to make handmade soaps and
developed their ideas in creative design packing to understand importance of
marketing. Students’ soaps were for charity sale to help public interest and
charity groups. Students leant to contribute to the society.